​To contact the Legislative/GA Committee, CLICK HERE.
Links to contact your state representatives
Massachusetts State Representatives GO HERE
US House Representatives GO HERE
Mission Statement
The mission of ATOM's Governmental Affairs Committee is to advise and provide policy recommendations regarding legislative, regulatory, and political action issues to the ATOM Executive Council and to inform the membership of public policy issues affecting the athletic training profession.
Committee Goals
Monitors governmental activities that may impact the athletic training profession.
Review legislation and regulatory changes for their impact on athletic training.
Recommend policy on legislative, regulatory and legal issues to the Executive Council.
Develop and coordinate state legislative and regulatory strategies.
Prioritizes public policy issues according to importance, ability to succeed, and financial impact on the athletic training profession.
Develop and maintain relationships with legislative and state administrative staff.
Recommend communications regarding state and federal government actions for distribution to the ATOM members.
Develop and proposes solutions to public health problems in cooperation with ATOM members, legislative and state administrative staff.
Supports a political education program designed to assist members in the legislative and public policy process.
Support education programs for association meetings involving legislative, governmental and public policy issues.
Supports members to testify before boards, commissions and committees regarding athletic training issues.